Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Open Bible Global Missions is ministering in 46 countries preaching the Gospel, providing aid to those in need, and offering educational resources to those who lack them.
If you would like to support our missionaries financially or have any questions about Global Missions contact our office at (641) 628 - 3707 or click the links below.
If you would like to support our missionaries financially or have any questions about Global Missions contact our office at (641) 628 - 3707 or click the links below.

Active Missionaries
Bill & Fayth McConnell
Bill and Fayth McConnell are Open Bible missionaries to Northern Mexico. It is their desire to take the Gospel to the poor and underprivileged and to go wherever God opens a door for them. Their ministry involves building churches, ministering at orphanages and prisons, serving at soup kitchens, and working wherever they find need.
Del Brown
Del has a passion to advance the kingdom of God. Sharing God's love by caring for people in need, teaching God's Word, and winning the lost for Christ. Del network's with several churches, orphanages, and the men's and women's rehab ranch, where several buildings have been built through the work of visiting teams.